I adapted this melody from Southern Harmony for this setting of a text concerned with confession and assurance and deliverance.
How blest the man who thoughtfully
The poor and weak befriends
Deliv’rance in the evil day to him Jehovah sends
The Lord will keep him guard his life,
On earth he shall be blest
The Lord will not surrender him
By foes to be distressed
Upon the bed of suffering
Jehovah will sustain
And in his sickness God will soothe
The weariness and pain
O Lord, to Thee my cry ascends,
Let me Thy mercy see
Heal Thou my soul, for I have sinned,
I have offended Thee
Do Thou, Jehovah, show me grace
And raise me up again
That I with justice may requite
These base and wicked men
By this I know assuredly that I am loved by Thee
Because my foe does not exult in triumph over me
And as for me, in uprightness
Thou dost uphold me well
And sets my feet before Thy face
Forevermore to dwell
Blest be Jehovah, Israel’s God
Forevermore Amen
Let age to age eternally
Repeat His praise Amen
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